Thursday, October 7, 2010

I am hyped up on mtn dew and need to get my work done.

Man. I'm such a slacker. I have so much to do and right now all I can think of is OK GO and tomorrow's classes. I need to find my focus. Too many things are going on right now around me. I wish I had a longer ethernet cord...I wish I didn't need an ethernet cord in order to connect to the internet. I probably should get off now and start back up on my poster that needs to get designed. Damn, you Audrey 2 for being on my poster! Why must you be a plant with twisty vines and roots?! why can't you be something simple like a bouncy ball with wings?! ...I'm pretty sure I'm making no sense right now...oh well. On that note I will leave you scratching your heads and thinking to yourself, "WTF?!"

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