Friday, October 22, 2010

"Hey, Girlie..."

Ok, so halloween this year is going to be interesting. For one, we are having "unofficial" Halloween this weekend because the campus closes on actual halloween. Secondly, my costume is going to be a little strange...scratch that. A lot strange.

It all started when I was in wal mart with my friends and we were making fun of Justin Bieber. I started doing my Bieber impression (which, if i say so myself, is pretty spot-on.) We were all joking around and then someone had a "brilliant" idea (its bound to happen some time...). I think it was Christie (yeah, its all your fault, Christie) who said that I should be JBiebs for Halloween. I laughed and brushed it off. But then Liz got in on it and had to triple-dog-dare me to do it. What could I do? Everyone knows you can't turn down the triple-dog-dare! So yeah, that's what my halloween costume is gonna be. Well, hopefully, if i can actually get to the store and buy the stuff to make the damned thing. 

This is definitely going to be and interesting halloween... to say the least.

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